Call for nominations for the 2025 Hanson Mataskelekele, Andy Lynch and Mildred Sope International Women’s Day Awards
The Australian High Commission in partnership with the Mataskelekele, Lynch and Sope families is pleased to announce that we will be running another round of our prestigious International Women’s Day Awards in 2025. The Hanson Mataskelekele Award for Women in Leadership, the Andy Lynch Award for Excellence in the Community Sector and the Mildred Sope Award for Creative Storytelling will be presented at our 2025 International Women’s Day awards event.
We are now inviting members of the public to nominate outstanding women for the three awards to mark International Women’s Day 2025. Winners will be announced by the Australian High Commissioner in a ceremony in March 2025.
These awards are a joint initiative of the Mataskelekele, Lynch and Sope families and the Australian High Commission in Vanuatu to recognise the contribution and leadership of women in public life, community, creative arts, and society as a whole.
The Andy Lynch Award for Excellence in the Community Sector
Mrs Andy Lynch was a strong advocate for equality especially for people living with disabilities. Members of the public are invited to nominate women who have demonstrated commitment to building stronger, more inclusive, and sustainable communities in Vanuatu.
Nomination Questions:
How has the nominee demonstrated a commitment to serving others, particularly those considered to be most vulnerable?
What positive contribution has the nominee made to the community?
In what ways has the nominee served as a role model to inspire others?
The Hanson Mataskelekele Award for Women in Leadership
Mrs Hanson Mataskelekele was a teacher and former first lady who advanced women’s rights, education, women’s leadership and helped other women reach their potential. For the award, members of the public are invited to nominate women who have demonstrated ongoing strong skills in leadership.
Nomination Questions:
How has the nominee demonstrated exceptional leadership in their field/community?
What positive impact has their work had on their colleagues and/or community?
In what ways has the nominee set an example that could inspire or empower other women to assume leadership roles?
The Mildred Sope Award for Creative Storytelling
Mrs Mildred Sope was a teacher, women rights and political advocate and published poet. For the Mildred Sope award, the public is invited to nominate women who have used creative mediums to raise awareness on issues important to Vanuatu society.
Nomination Questions:
How has the nominee’s creative work contributed positively to storytelling in Vanuatu?
How has the creative storytelling product raised awareness on important issues for women and girls?
In what ways has the nominee served as a role model to inspire others to be creative?
Submissions should include nominees full name, their contact details and answer the key questions for the relevant award. Answers for each key question should be approximately 250 words. Please include a photo of the nominee and gain the nominee’s permission for the Australian High Commission to use their image in media and social media.
Send your submission to the Public Affairs Team at the Australian High Commission either in writing to P.O. Box 111, Port Vila, or via email to
For any questions, please contact Jodie Kapalu by calling 22777.
Nominations for all three awards close on Thursday 13 February 2025.